
The City of Norwalk has contracted with Vision Government Solutions, Inc and Safeground Analytics to assist with the 2023 state mandated revaluation project. Vision Government Solutions, Inc has established the 2023 residential values and Safeground Analytics the 2023 commercial property values.

Shown on this site are the assessments of all properties based on 70% of fair market value as of October 1, 2023. The previous assessments were as of October 1, 2018. 

Please note that assessed values do not reflect any exemptions which will be applied to the final assessments.

Please do not use the current mill rate to estimate your taxes. A new mill rate will be established once the grand list is finalized, and the budget completed in the Spring of 2024.

The City would like to thank the Norwalk property owners for their patience and cooperation throughout this important project.

Taxpayer Revaluation Link



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