South Kingstown,RI


Town of South Kingstown, RI

Most recent Revaluation: Full, 12/31/2021  

Next Revaluation: Statistical, 12/31/2024 

(Please note: During this time, no photos will appear on this site. Please click 'field card' in red and view last updated reval photo.)  

Tax Year: 2024

Real Estate Tax Rate: $11.05 per thousand

Tangible Tax Rate:  $11.05 per thousand
(capped per RI Gen Law 44-5.3-3)

Motor Vehicle Tax:  PHASED OUT 

Please note: 
Ownership current as of  DECEMBER 25, 2024

Helpful Links:

Assessor Page-

2023 Tax Roll (Assessment Date 12/31/2022)-

GIS Data-

The Town Assessor's Office makes every effort to produce and publish the most accurate information available; however, the Office assumes no responsibility for errors in the data, and does not guarantee that the information is free from inaccuracies. The Office also assumes no responsibility for the consequences of inappropriate uses and or interpretations of the data