
Welcome to the TOWN OF WINDHAM, MAINE Online Assessment Database. This database is current through April 1, 2024 and includes property information as it is being developed for the 2025-26 tax year. Please check your property characteristics and call the Assessor's Office at 207-894-5960 ext.3 with any questions or concerns.

The tax rate for the 2024-25 tax year is $11.47 per thousand. For committed valuations and property tax amounts for this year please refer to the Assessor's page at Assessor | Windham, ME - Official Website (windhammaine.us).


1)  Internet Suppressed Parcels - There are some properties not listed here at the owner's request.

2)  Mapping - Parcel boundaries are for assessment purposes only and not for conveyance.

3)  Zoning - Any reference to zoning within the parcel record is for assessing purposes only.  Specific parcel zoning should always be confirmed with the Code Enforcement Office.