
Welcome to the Vision Government Solutions Assessor's database for the town of Bedford, NH.  Vision Government Solutions last completed a revaluation of all the properties in Bedford NH for the 2023 tax year.  

A complete review and analysis of all properties was performed, including the updating of all construction costs, land values and income and capitalization rates for the commercial properties.  These rates and value conclusions were tested against qualified sales that have occurred from 4/1/2022 to 3/31/2023 to ensure they reflect market value. 

If reviewing your own property, please take time to check all physical data listed on the property record(s) for accuracy. Any questions or potential errors in physical property data should be brought to the attention of the Bedford Assessors Office.


Here's a list of revaluation years for reference. Bedford currently employs a biennial revaluation schedule, subject to review and approval of the Bedford Town Council, under advisement of the Bedford Assessors Office and Town Manager. Per statutory and state constitutional compliance, a revaluation must be conducted at least once every 5 years.  


2004, 2008, 2013, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023. 

Next slated revaluation year is 2025

For more information on revaluation results and interactive assessment analysis, please visit the Town of Bedford Assessors home page: 

Assessing | Bedford, NH (bedfordnh.org)

Bedford Assessors Office

24 N Amherst Rd, Bedford, NH 03110

Office Hours M-F: 8 AM -4:30 PM

Phone: (603) 472-8104