
Welcome to the Town of Berwick, Maine Online Assessment Database.

The Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Tax Rate is $12.47 per Thousand Dollars.

Assessment Date: April 1, 2024

Tax Commitment: September 17, 2024

Tax Abatement Filing Deadline: March 21, 2025

Assessment Ratio: 100% 

Property Tax Due Dates: 1st Half: October 16, 2024

       2nd Half: April 16, 2025

**PLEASE NOTE** Information on property abatements and exemptions is not available on this site. This site is to be used as a reference and may not have the most current property information. Please verify property information with the town assessing office.


Maine law provides the taxable status of all real estate in the State of Maine to be established as of April 1 each year.

If you were the owner of record on April 1, you will receive the current year's tax please. Please forward the tax bill to the new owner if you sell your property AFTER April 1 of the current year.

Pro-ration of taxes between the buyer and seller does not involve the municipality. Although monies may be collected for taxes at closing they may not be paid to the municipality.


As a Maine taxpayer you could be eligible for the following property tax programs:

To see if you qualify:


Should you qualify, please submit the application(s) to the Berwick Assessing Agents by April 1, 2025 (for Fiscal year 2025-2026 taxes).



The assessing firm Municipal Resources, Inc. (MRI) has been hired by the Town of Berwick to begin a town wide revaluation. The purpose of the project is to bring property assessments uniformly in line with market conditions as of April 1, 2024. The town tax rate for 2024-2025 will be adjusted according to the new property assessment for the entire town.

The assessor’s certified assessment ratio for the town, currently 85% of fair market value, is expected to be reset at 100% of fair market value. The revised assessment ratio will reset personal exemptions, such as Homestead and Veterans, to their full values.

Here is a general outline of each phase of the project. 

Phase One, Market Analysis and Valuation: A variety of resources will be used to analyze the real estate market. MRI will analyze recent sales to determine what market factors influence property values. The current market rates for land and building values, demonstrated by property sales, will be used to establish new land and building values for all properties in the Town.

As part of this process MRI will visit all properties that have sold between April 1, 2022 and March 31, 2024. MRI will measure the exterior of those buildings and attempt to verify interior property details verbally or with an interior inspection. Owners of property sold between April 1, 2022 and March 31, 2024 will be sent letters requesting information about the sale and the condition of their property at the time of sale. MRI will also use information from the York County Registry of Deeds and local real estate professionals. MRI personnel working in the Town will have picture IDs and letters from the Town identifying them. Personnel information will also be registered with the Berwick Police Department.

During the market analysis and valuation, building values will be determined by comparing each property to others with similar characteristics. Land values will be determined based on the desirability of locations throughout the Town as demonstrated by the real estate market.

Phase Two, Field Review: During this review, properties are viewed in the field by assessors who double-check data for uniformity and accuracy.

Phase Three, Informal Hearings: Once Field Review is complete, a notice of preliminary assessed values will be mailed to each property owner. At this time, property owners will have an opportunity to discuss questions concerning the revaluation process, assessed values, or their property data with MRI personnel. After the informal hearings, adjustments to values will be made if needed, and assessments will be finalized and accepted by the Town.

Phases One and Two are expected to take place during the spring and early summer. Phase Three hearings are expected by mid-summer. New values will be reflected in the fall 2024 tax bills.

For more information about the revaluation, please contact Municipal Resources, Inc., (603) 279-0352 or the Town offices, 207-698-1101 ext. 114. Please check the Town website, https://www.berwickmaine.org/departments/assessing/index.php for an FAQ section about revaluation.