Notices of new value were mailed to taxpayers on August 20, 2024.
The values listed in this database are updated with these new values.
Values listed on this web site do not reflect any exemptions or tax credits.
Vision Appraisal updates the Town of Bow's assessing information three times per year. For the most accurate information, please contact the Bow Assessing Office directly at 603-223-3975.
The owners are listed as of August 1, 2024.
Please contact the Town Assessor, Monica Hurley, with any questions at 603-223-3975 or stop by the Assessing Office at the Bow Municipal Building, 10 Grandview Road.
Property assessment questions can also be emailed to: mhurley@bownh.gov
For more information, you may visit the Town's website at www.bownh.gov, where the Assessing Department is listed under Services.
Properties on Branch Londonderry Turnpike-East or -West CANNOT be accessed through the Street Listing area. Use the Parcel Lookup, Query by Location, enter in the street number, and for the street name, enter either "Br Londonderry Tpk-E", or "Br Londonderry Tpk-W".
Some information frequently asked for:
Equalization Ratio for 2023: 63.2%
Tax Rate for 2023: $27.81
Estimated Equalization Ratio for 2024: 100%
Final Tax Rate for 2024: $19.78
The Town of Bow makes no warranties, expressed or implied regarding accuracy or completeness, and assume no liability whatsoever associated with the use of this data. Some properties may have been omitted at the owner's request. The official public records are in the Assessing Office at the Bow Municipal Building, 10 Grandview Road.