Welcome to the City of Brewer, Maine Assessor's Office online assessment database.
This database provides you with information on each parcel of real estate in Brewer..
Brewer completed the mass revaluation as of April 1, 2014. The main goal of Brewer's revaluation has been to ensure Brewer's tax burden is shared fairly among all Brewer property owners.
If you disagree with your property assessment, a formal request for an adjustment in your valuation, called an abatement request, may be filed at any time within 185 days of the date the Assessor's final valuations are completed (this is called commitment). The exact date of commitment date and mill rate can be found at https://brewermaine.gov/finance/property-tax-billing-payment/ During most years, this means property owners have until the first few days of January to request an abatement of their property values. It is important to know that, with few exceptions, no adjustments can be made in a property's valuation after the 185-day window has expired.
The results of a formal abatement request can be appealed to the Board of Assessment Review.
1) Mapping - Parcel boundaries are for assessment purposes only and not for conveyance.
2) Zoning - Any reference to zoning within the parcel record is for assessing purposes only. Specific parcel zoning should be confirmed with the Code Enforcement Office.
If you have any questions please contact the Assessing Department at
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