Welcome to the City of Claremont,
New Hampshire, Assessment online assessment database.
This database provides you with information on each parcel of real estate in Claremont,
along with the ability to search for sales of properties that might be similar
to your selected property.
Claremont is performing a revaluation for the Revaluation of April 1, 2023.
This revaluation will impact the tax bills due beginning in December 2023.
The City of Claremont and Vision Government Solutions are working on this
revaluation at this time.
Do not apply the current tax rate to your new assessment as the tax rate will
change and using the prior tax rate will not correctly calculate your December
2023 tax bill. The new tax rate will be determined in the Fall of 2023.
If you are a Claremont property owner, and you do not have your 2023 revaluation assessment notice, you may look up the new assessment for your
property using this online database.
In conjunction with the 2023 revaluation assessment notices, you may review
your new assessment with a representative of Vision Government Solutions by
scheduling an informal hearing. Informal hearings will be held at The Claremont
Planning and Development Offices, 14 North Street, by appointment only. The
informal hearings will be held in September and October.
To schedule an informal hearing, you may go to www.vgsi.com/schedules and follow the instructions to schedule an
informal hearing. You will need the Parcel ID number (PID#), which can be
found at the top of the 2023 revaluation assessment notice or on the online
database. If you wish to schedule an informal hearing for two or more
properties, please do not schedule your hearings online, please call Vision
Government Solutions at 1-888-844-4300. If you do not have access to a
computer, or prefer to call for an appointment time instead of scheduling your
informal hearing online, you may call 1-888-844-4300 between the hours of 9:00
AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays.
Please DO NOT contact the City
of Claremont Assessor’s Office to schedule your informal hearing with Vision
Government Solutions. The City’s staff
does not have access to create, change, or cancel hearing appointments.
If you wish to appeal your assessment after the informal hearing, or if you are
not able to attend an informal hearing, you may file an appeal with the City of
Claremont Assessor’s Office. Appeals to the Assessor’s Office must be
filed on or before March 1, 2024. You do not have to attend an informal
hearing to apply for an appeal with the Assessors, but please bear in mind that
the Assessor’s appeal process is more involved and more formal. You may
obtain an application at the Claremont Assessor’s Office.
The official public records are kept in the assessing office at City Hall, 58 Opera House Square, Claremont, NH 03743. Our regular business hours are 8am-12:30pm & 1:30pm-5pm, Monday thru Friday. You may also access the City's tax maps at our website,
Link to City of Claremont GIS
You may be prompted to install Silverlight (a free product from Microsoft) after you enter. Follow all the prompts to run the plug-in installer. In some cases, you may need to refresh or restart your browser. If you have any questions please call Vision customer support at 800-628-1013 x2.