
Welcome to the Clinton County PA Online Assessment Database. Access to the full database is available
for a fee.  The current fee structure is as follows:

Price Changes Effective 1/2/2024
  • 3 Days - $25.00
  • 10 Days - $60.00
  • 90 Days - $125.00
  • 365 Days - $500.00
* Convenience Fees may apply

Payments can also be made in person by visiting the county office at 2 Piper Way, Lock Haven PA.

DISCLAIMER: Clinton County presents the information on this web-site as a service to the public. The database information is updated regularly.  Ownership and parcel data is updated weekly.  Assessed value and map changes are updated in February, April, June, August, and November.

The county is constantly working to try to ensure that the electronic information contained in the Assessment Database is accurate. However, Clinton County makes no guarantee or warranty concerning the accuracy or reliability of the information contained on this site. Clinton County reserves the right to change the fee and/or the way the site is accessed, as well as the content of the site, at any time.

If you have any questions regarding this site, please contact the Clinton County Assessment Office at 570-893- 4031 or at  visioninfo@clintoncountypa.gov

Office Hours: Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri; 8:00 am - 5:00pm.
Wed, 8:00 am - 12:30 pm