
Welcome to the Clinton Ct. online Assessor's Website.

This database provides you with information on each parcel of real estate in Clinton. It also provides the user with an explanation of the revaluation process.

The assessments reflected in this database represent the proposed new values as of the 10/1/2020 revaluation. Please do not use the current mill rate to estimate your taxes, a new mill rate will be established once the grand list is finalized and the budget completed.  These assessments reflect 70% of market value as of 10/1/2020 and are based on sales that took place in Clinton during the past twelve months.

The website has recently been updated with all the data changes from the hearing and review process.  Those second letters to all whose assessments have been reviewed were mailed on 1/22/2021.

We appreciate your cooperation.
Thank you for visiting our website.


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