

Welcome to the Cumberland, RI Online Assessment Database.


The property characteristics and tax assessment data shown on this site are intended to reflect the 2024 Tax Roll (assessed as of 12/31/2023), based on market value as of December 31st, 2022.


Ownership and mailing address records are updated daily. In most cases, the site reflects up to date ownership as reflected from deeds recorded on the previous workday.


Any Changes made to a property throughout the year (other than ownership and mailing address changes) are not reflected on this site. This information will be uploaded when the next tax roll is certified. No new tax or assessment figures will be finalized until that time. Typically, the new tax roll is certified annually in the month of April.


The Town Tax Assessor's Office makes every effort to produce and publish the most accurate information available. However, the town assumes no responsibility for errors in the data and does not guarantee that the information is free from inaccuracies. The town also assumes no responsibility for the consequences of inappropriate uses or interpretations of the data.


Tax Rate for the 2024 Tax Roll:


Residential Real Estate: $11.95

Commercial Real Estate: $11.95