Welcome to the Town of East Haddam, CT database.
Our last State-mandated Town-wide Revaluation occurred on
10/01/2022. The current 10/01/2023 Grand List assessment information you are
about to access reflects subsequent revisions due to building permit activity. Assessments
reflect 70% of fair market value as of 10/01/2022 and will continue to do so
until our next Revaluation in 2027.
Please note that assessed values do not reflect any exemptions
and should not be used to calculate tax bills.
The property information contained in this database is for
informational purposes only. It is not
for legal descriptions or conveyances. No warranties, expressed or implied, are
provided for the use or interpretation of this data. All information is subject to verification by
the user. The Town of East Haddam
assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained herein.