Welcome to the Town of East Windsor, Connecticut, Office of Assessment online assessment database.
This database provides you with information on each parcel of real estate in East Windsor, along with the ability to search for sales of properties that might be similar to your selected property.
The Town is in the process of completing the revaluation for the Grand List of October 1, 2023. This revaluation will affect the tax bills due in July 2024. When finalized, values will remain the same, unless changes are made to a property, until October 1, 2027.
Do not apply the current tax (mill) rate to your assessment shown here. New mill rates are set every Spring.
If you wish to appeal your assessment, you may file an appeal with the Town Board of Assessment Appeals. Appeals to the Board of Assessment Appeals must be filed and received by the assessor's office on or before February 20. You may obtain an application for a Board of Assessment Appeals hearing at the Assessor’s Office or online on the Town’s website- www.eastwindsor-ct.gov
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