Welcome to the Online Assessor's Database for Exeter, NH
The assessing firm
Municipal Resources, Inc. (MRI) has been hired by the Town of Exeter to begin a
town wide revaluation, in accordance with the NH Constitution Part II, Article
6 and RSA 75:8a, for the 2024 tax year. The purpose of the project is to bring
property assessments uniformly in line with market conditions as of April 1,
Here is a general
outline of each phase of the project.
Phase One, Market Analysis and Valuation: A variety of resources will be used to analyze the
real estate market. MRI will analyze recent sales to determine what market
factors influence property values. The current market rates for land and
building values, demonstrated by property sales, will be used to establish new
land and building values for all properties in the Town.
As part of this process MRI
will visit all properties that have sold between April 1, 2022 and March 31, 2024. MRI will measure the exterior of those buildings and
attempt to verify interior property details verbally or with an interior
inspection. Owners of property sold between April 1, 2022 and March 31,
2024 will be sent letters requesting information about the sale and the
condition of their property at the time of sale. MRI will also use information
from the Rockingham County Registry of Deeds and local real estate
professionals. MRI personnel working in the Town will have picture IDs and letters
from the Town identifying them. Personnel information will also be registered
with the Exeter Police Department.
During the market analysis
and valuation, building values will be determined by comparing each property to
others with similar characteristics. Land values will be determined based on
the desirability of locations throughout the Town as demonstrated by the real
estate market.
Phase Two, Field Review: During this review, properties are viewed in the
field by assessors who double-check data for uniformity and accuracy.
Phase Three, Informal
Hearings: Once Field Review is
complete, a notice of preliminary assessed values will be mailed to each
property owner. At this time, property owners will have an opportunity to
discuss questions concerning the revaluation process, assessed values, or their
property data with MRI personnel. After the informal hearings, adjustments to values will be made if
needed, and assessments will be finalized and accepted by the Town.
One and Two are expected to take place during the spring and early summer.
Phase Three hearings are expected by mid-summer. New values will be reflected
in the November 2024 tax bills. The NH Department of Revenue will follow the
revaluation making their own follow up visits to a percentage of viewed
properties and checking the data.
For more
information about the revaluation, please contact Municipal Resources, Inc., 603-279-0352
or the Town offices, 603-773-6110. Please check the Town website, https://www.exeternh.gov/assessing/assessing-department,
for an FAQ section about
Property Owner:
In an
effort to maintain fair and equitable assessments for all properties, the firm
of Municipal Resources, Inc. (Contract Assessor’s Agent), is performing a
cyclical review of all properties in the Town. They will visit
roughly 25% of the properties each year to check for accurate measurements and
to verify all pertinent data of each improvement. This letter is to notify you
that your area of town is scheduled to be inspected in the next few months.
All assessing staff from Municipal Resources, Inc. are certified
by the New Hampshire Department of Revenue and will adhere to the following
Staff will be wearing identification badges, will have signs on
their vehicles and will have introduction letters from the Town showing their
vehicle information and Town contact information.
A typical inspection takes around 10 minutes. If no one is home,
exterior measurements of all improvements will be taken. A letter may be sent
in the future which will inform owners of dates and times in which appointments
for an interior inspection can be arranged.
If an adult property owner is home they will request an interior
inspection to confirm data. Interior inspections are very important to ensure
accurate, fair and equitable assessments for all properties.
The homeowner is encouraged to provide information that may not be
apparent to the appraiser at the time of inspection such as: seasonal wetness,
cracked foundations, leaking roofs, easements, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is a Cyclical Review? A Cyclical review is
a systematic house by house, neighborhood by neighborhood review of each
property to verify that the information listed on the Town’s assessment record
matches the property.
How often will my property be reviewed? The
review process is a revolving program and your property will be typically be
viewed once every 4-5 years. In addition to the cyclical reviews, appraisers
will review all sales, building permits, subdivisions, and boundary line
Will this change my property Value? Only
if the information in the assessing record is found to be
inaccurate. Such as: The property record card has no
listing of a deck but the property does have a deck. Or, the
property record card indicates the property has three baths but there are only
Thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any
questions please call the Town Office at the number above.
Current MRI Assessing Staff: Scott
Marsh, CNHA; Paul McKenney, CNHA; Michael Pelletier, CNHA; Edward Tinker, CNHA;
Paul Moreau; Shawn Main; Michael O'Leary; Seth