Town of Falmouth,
Assessor's Online
Valuation as of April 1, 2024;
Our ratio is 100% of current market;
The fiscal year is
July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025;
Our tax rate is $13.38 per one thousand dollars of
assessed value;
New values and the tax
rate were set on September 9, 2024.
The last day to file
an abatement is March 13, 2025.
Homestead, Veteran's
and Blind Exemptions are NOT included
in this database; however, they are credited on the tax bill for eligible
· NOTE: Non-inventory items such as neighborhood, site index (influence factor), condition factors (including topography) and other adjustments are not able to be displayed online with our current system. This data is available and may be viewed on the property card, which can be requested by contacting our office at the below email address or phone number.
For any questions please
contact Cumberland County Regional Assessing 207-699-2475; or by email: assessor@cumberlandcounty.org