
Town of Gorham, Maine

Assessor's Online Database

·         Valuation as of April 1, 2024;

·         Our ratio is 100% of current market;

·         The fiscal year is July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025;

·         Our tax rate is $14.70 per one thousand dollars of assessed value;

·         New values and the tax rate were set on September 19, 2024.

·         The last day to file an abatement is March 23, 2025.

·         Homestead, Veteran's and Blind Exemptions are NOT included in this database; however, they are credited on the tax bill for eligible homeowners.

·         For any questions, please contact Cumberland County Regional Assessing 207-699-2475; or by email:  assessor@cumberlandcounty.org
