
Welcome to the Town of Greenland on-line database. The Town of Greenland uses a "live" database. This database is constantly changing after the commitment, as the assessor appraises new construction, lot splits and processes abatement appeals. Please keep in mind that since exemptions do not show on this database and also because changes have been made since the tax billing, applying the tax rate to these assessments may give you a different amount than the current tax bill. Greenland processes their tax bills twice a year, due in July and December. The Town of Greenland completed a revaluation of real property for the April 1, 2023 assessment dates.

An Analytical Update was performed for the April 1, 2023 assessment date to maintain equity and to have our assessments reflective of market value, in an ever changing market. The information on this database is updated weekly and may reflect partial construction, new construction or changes that have been used in formulating values for the April 1, assessment date. The information on this website does not include a complete compilation of the Greenland assessing records. The Town of Greenland assumes no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of this data. The information furnished is for the convenience of the user. By registering you acknowledge that you understand and accept this statement


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