
Welcome to the Assessor's database for the Town of Holland, Massachusetts. The Town of Holland has contracted with Vision Government Solutions Inc. of Hudson, Massachusetts to assist with the state mandated revaluations and interim year adjustments. The values currently available here are for Fiscal Year 2025, and the tax rate is $12.98 per 1,000.

This website will allow the user to search for properties by street address, by owner name, or by map-block-lot. This database also provides the user with an explanation of the revaluation process. Property owners are encouraged to use this database to compare their property to similar properties within the Town of Holland.

Both the Board of Assessors and Vision Government Solutions Inc. would like to thank the residents and property owners of Holland for their cooperation each year when sales are analysed for a true representation of current market value. We appreciate property owners cooperation as we collect building permit information and perform cyclical and sales analysis inspections as required.