
Welcome to the KENNEBUNK, ME Online Assessment Database! If you need additional information, find an error, or have a question, please email us at KennebunkAssessingDept@kennebunkmaine.us. Also, we currently have tax bill, tax map, and exemption information at http://kennebunkmaine.us/assessing.

                                                        **********IMPORTANT NOTE************

The updated version of the online database utilizes third party information from Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Microsoft Bing Maps, as well Vision GIS Maps. You may also search for parcel location information on the Town of Kennebunk On-Line Parcel ViewerThe Map It button (shown below in lower right corner) will bring you to a menu to choose one of the above search engines to locate the parcel on a map. Unfortunately, we have found that there are discrepancies between the third party services that may not properly identify the location of the parcel. This is out of our control and we urge you to contact our office at (207) 985-2102, ext. 1309 should you need to verify a parcel location.

FY 25 Tax Rate $16.95

Assessment Ratio 74%


Should you have any questions, please email us at AssessingOffice@kennebunkmaine.us. All emails through the section on this site are not monitored by our office, please use the email address above for inquiries.

*Note: Please be sure to verify any zoning with the Town of Kennebunk Planning Department.