Town of Mount Desert, Maine
Real Estate
The information on this site represents the market-adjusted assessed value as of
April 1, 2024.
Any property owner with questions or wishing to have their assessment reviewed by the Town Assessor may schedule an appointment by:
1: Calling (207) 276-5531 between the hours of 9:00 AM –
4:00 PM Monday – Friday;
2: Send an email to assess@mtdesert.org
3: Send a letter via Postal Service to:
Mt. Desert Assessing Office
PO Box 248
Northeast Harbor, ME 04662
This website will allow inquiry access to the Assessor’s database, including value summary, building data, sales search, and general valuation information.
Anyone who would like to file for abatement may do so within 185 days from the date of tax commitment (July 1st, 2024). Applications are available at the Town Office, or on-line at the Town’s website, www.mtdesert.org.