
Welcome to the New Haven, CT Online Assessment Database.

The City of New Haven contracted with Vision Government Solutions, Inc to assist with the 2021 state mandated revaluation. 

Shown on this site are the assessments of all properties based on 70% of fair market value as of October 1, 2021. The previous assessments were as of October 1, 2016. 

The mill rate for the 2021 Grand List is 39.75. In addition, a city-wide Phase-In was enacted for the 2021 Grand List, which phased in 50% of assessment increase due to the revaluation. For example, if the assessment for the 2020 Grand List was 50,000 and the assessment for 2021 Grand List is 100,000, the assessment that taxes will be calculated from is 75,000.

Please note that assessed values do not reflect any exemptions or penalties, which will be applied to the final assessments. 

The information contained in this database is for reference purposes only. It is not for legal description or conveyances. All information is subject to verification by any user. The City of New Haven assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained herein.