Welcome to the Town of Pomfret, CT’s online assessment
The Town of Pomfret’s State mandated revaluation has entered
its final phase. Notices of the new proposed assessments are scheduled to
be mailed November 6, 2024 to the mailing address on record. The notice
will include specific instructions on how to schedule an informal hearing with
our revaluation vendor Vision Government Solutions Inc. As instructed, please
schedule a hearing within five days of receiving the notice. Hearings will be
held remotely by phone.
Do not apply the current mill rate to your new assessment as
the mill rate will change. The new mill rate will be set by the Board of
Finance in the spring of 2025 once the Town budget has passed. Your July 2025
tax bills will be based on that new mill rate.
If you wish to appeal your assessment after the informal
hearing process is complete, you must file a written appeal to the Pomfret
Board of Assessment Appeals. The appeal application will be found in the
Assessor’s Office, on the Assessor’s page of the Town’s website at www.pomfretct.gov or
by request at assessor@pomfretct.gov .
The appeal application will be made available after January 24, 2025 and must
be received on or before February 20, 2025.
You may be prompted to install Silverlight (a free product from Microsoft) after you enter. Follow all the prompts to run the plug-in installer. In some cases, you may need to refresh or restart your browser. If you have any questions please call Vision customer support at 800-628-1013 x2.