The Town of Shrewsbury has our FY 2024 values available for your review as required by the Department of Revenue.
The values are as of January 1, 2023, based on sales from calendar year 2022.
This website allows all users to search for properties by street address, by owner's name or by map-lot-block.
The FY 2024 tax rate is $12.38 per $1,000 of value. The town has historically maintained a single tax rate.
FISCAL 2025 values will be available after January 1, 2025.
Shrewsbury Board of Assessors
PLEASE NOTE: Property classification is based on current use of the property, as determined through inspection by a member of the Assessing staff. It does not necessarily reflect compliance with current zoning or permitting requirements. Owners, potential owners, and other interested parties should confirm allowed uses with the Building Commissioner and Zoning Enforcement Officer.