
To see due dates and pay your bill, visit: https://www.southportland.gov/onlineservices

When searching by Map Block Lot (MBLU), please enter the map number (three digits) in the map area, the lot number (three digits) in the lot area, and disregard the block and unit sections. For example, Map 48 Lot 36 is entered as: Map 048 Block (blank) Lot 036.

For your convenience, we intend to update the web data monthly. Please keep in mind that this is LIVE DATA, and not necessarily the actual valuation for the most recent tax year. The ownership information and building construction are from our working files, and reflect the most recent information available. If a property has changed since April 1, such as a new addition, this change may be indicated in the database. If you wish to find legal valuations, owners and taxes for the most recent tax commitment, you should call the Assessor's Office, or you may access the most recent tax year's legal information on the City of South Portland's homepage at http://www.southportland.gov . We may be reached by phone at (207) 767-7604.