
Welcome to the Town of Winchester, Connecticut, Office of Assessment database.

This database provides you with information on each parcel of real estate in Winchester. This data is for informational purposes only, and should not be used to calculate tax bills.

Property assessments are based on 70% of market value as of October 1, 2022. Please note that the P.A. 490 use value for farm and forest is shown for those parcels in that program. Other exemptions to assessments are not shown as part of this database, but will be applied to the final assessments.
Do not apply the current tax (mill) rate to your new assessment as the mill rate will change, and using the prior mill rate will not correctly calculate your July 2024 tax bill. The new mill rate will be determined in the Spring of 2024. 

If you wish to appeal your assessment after the grand list process is complete, you must file a written appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals. Updated applications are available after January 30 each year at the Assessor’s office.


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