Welcome to the Assessor’s database for the Town of Wrentham, Massachusetts. Visitors to this site are able to view parcel information for each property within the Town including photographs, detailed descriptions and assessed values.
Information provided in this database represents assessed property values as of January 1, 2023 for Fiscal Year 2024. Residential values are based upon an analysis of sales from calendar 2022. Changes in market conditions subsequent to January 1, 2023 will not be reflected in the FY2024 assessments. Sales from calendar 2023 will be analyzed and utilized for next year's assessments (fiscal year 2025).
Note that the State requires Fiscal Year 2024 tax bills to reflect ownership as of 1/1/23. The tax rates for Fiscal Year 2024 are as follows:
Residential: $12.00
Commercial/Industrial: $17.37
Personal Property: $17.34
The Wrentham Board of Assessors hopes you will find this database convenient and helpful.
Chairman: Thomas DiPlacido, Vice Chairman: Irene Levesque, Member: Edward O'Neil
Visitors interested in more information on Wrentham are encouraged to visit the official web site of the Town at: www.Wrentham.gov
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